
Where We Work

We operate in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in the Caribbean, Central America, and the South Pacific.

Why the Caribbean, Central America, and the South Pacific?

The Caribbean, Central America, and the South Pacific are a few of the most disaster-prone regions in the world and at the forefront of the global climate change crisis — exposed to a wide variety of hazards, including earthquakes, volcanoes, storms, extreme temperatures, droughts, floods, landslides, and more.

The strengths of these regions’ disaster management structures are rooted in their experience and preparedness, leadership in advocacy related to climate change, and leveraging technology and communication systems to enhance disaster response efforts. GSD seeks to share its capabilities with existing efforts to strengthen response to disasters, minimize the impact of natural hazards, and support communities to prepare for future disasters.


Strength through partnership

While being locally led is paramount, no single humanitarian actor — whether a large international organization or a small non-governmental organization (NGO) deeply rooted in its local community — can meet humanitarian needs on its own. Strong local, national, and regional partnerships play a crucial role in leveraging local knowledge, resources, and networks, empowering GSD to amplify communities' disaster preparedness and response capabilities.

GSD personnel taking part in an exercise with the Honduras Red Cross.

What we do

Global Support and Development (GSD) is a US-based humanitarian organization whose mission is to work with local, national, and regional communities for resilience to crisis through rapid response, disaster preparedness, and climate adaptation. We seek opportunities to amplify and augment existing efforts, fill gaps, share knowledge, and support locally led preparedness initiatives. Our team also has a wide range of ways we can support disaster response to assist communities in the immediate aftermath of disasters.

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What we do

Global Support and Development (GSD) is a US-based humanitarian organization whose mission is to work with local, national, and regional communities for resilience to crisis through rapid response, disaster preparedness, and climate adaptation. We seek opportunities to amplify and augment existing efforts, fill gaps, share knowledge, and support locally led preparedness initiatives. Our team also has a wide range of ways we can support disaster response to assist communities in the immediate aftermath of disasters.

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