What We Do

Global Support and Development (GSD) is a US-based humanitarian organization whose mission is to work with local, national, and regional communities for resilience to crisis through rapid response, disaster preparedness, and climate adaptation.

A collage of photos about GSD's capabilities that includes partnerships and response photos. Photos by Nicole Canegata, N.C. Photography, LLC.

Disaster Preparedness

We seek opportunities to amplify and augment existing efforts, fill gaps, share knowledge, and support locally led preparedness initiatives without building parallel or competing systems.


Building relationships and contextual knowledge to enable and tailor our approach for a given region, country, or crisis based on geography.


Strengthening capacity with partners through training and knowledge sharing.


Supporting access to critical equipment in advance of future disasters.


Coordinating or providing access to funding and logistical support for partners.

Rapid Response

Our team has a wide range of ways we can support disaster response to assist communities in the immediate aftermath of disasters. Our growing response capabilities include:


ACCESS: Debris removal and road clearance


INFORMATION: Rapid needs assessments, maritime and aerial mapping, use of Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) imagery, and Emergency telecommunications


HEALTH: Mental health and psychosocial support, and WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) support such as water filtration and delivery


LOGISTICS: remote supply and logistical support through aviation, coordinating resources; response kits, non-food items, and provision of urgent medical supplies


MARITIME: Capabilities focused on our Humanitarian Vessel capable of 21-days mission duration providing logistics, aviation, medical, water delivery, and bathymetric data collection capabilities


SURGE SUPPORT: Sweat equity of supporting responders

Climate Adaptation

As we witness a rise in the frequency and severity of disasters, it has become even more critical for us to find new ways to support communities in increasing resilience through climate adaptation. 

We work in some of the most disaster-prone regions of the world. By engaging with communities to reduce the impact that disasters and the climate crisis have on communities, we can lessen the need for response and recovery.

We are also able to provide support through response kits, non-food items, and granting.

Maritime support

GSD has a range of maritime capabilities, the centerpiece of which is our Humanitarian Vessel, MV DAWN. Committed to supporting operations in the Caribbean, it is configured to provide mobile and flexible support to GSD’s mission.

Explore maritime support arrow

Interested in partnering with us?

Please get in touch with us if you are interested in learning more about partnering with GSD.